Self-medication, and delayed diagnosis or treatment could have severe and sometimes fatal outcomes in Dengue.
The city of Hyderabad has been in the news for rising cases of dengue. The number of dengue-affected people have gone up by an alarming 10 folds in last few months. The cases surged up from a meagre 164 cases to 1171 within just a month. As per the cases recorded during the first 8 months of the year, Hyderabad accounted for half of the dengue cases of Telangana State. The state recorded 2972 cases of Dengue while Hyderabad alone has accounted for 1562 cases out of that.
Symptoms and Diagnosis:
The disease begins with high fever (40°C/104°F), severe headache, pain behind the eyes and muscle, joint, or bone pains. “Pains in Dengue are sometimes so severe that dengue is often referred to as ‘breakbone fever’,” says Dr. K.K. Durga Prasad, Senior Consultant Paediatrician, Ankura Hospital for Women and Children. If any of these symptoms appear, the patients should be rushed to a hospital for medical consultation. Dengue symptoms like severe abdominal pain, persistent vomiting, rapid breathing, bleeding gums or nose, fatigue, swollen glands, rash, restlessness, blood in vomit or stool, being very thirsty, pale and cold skin and feeling weak, often come after the fever has gone away. Reduction in platelet counts is a characteristic feature of dengue and requires close monitoring.
Prevention of Dengue
The only way of preventing the disease is to take precautions against Mosquito bites by wearing full-sleeve clothes, through fumigation, using mosquito nets and repellents and keeping the surroundings clean. Early diagnosis, monitoring and initiation of treatment play a vital role in managing dengue.
Management / Treatment:
Dengue patients should be encouraged to drink plenty of fluids such as water, oral rehydration treatments, coconut water, and clear soups. Adequate hydration aids in the maintenance of blood volume and the generation of platelets. A balanced diet consisting of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean meats, and healthy fats should be provided to the patients. Foods rich in salt, spicy foods, and fried dishes with a lot of oil should be avoided. According to Dr. K.K. Durga Prasad MBBS, DNB (Paediatrics) Sr. Consultant Paediatrician, Ankura Hospital for Women and Childcare,“ “Rest is one of the most effective treatments to recover from any sickness, but children may want to stay active even during disease. In case a child gets Dengue then parents should take caution to limit any strenuous activities of the child to make sure they get enough rest and allow their body to heal,”
Platelet count in Dengue needs to be checked regularly by a healthcare expert. Timely assessments will aid in determining the progress of treatment and the need for additional interventions. If the patient’s platelet count drops dramatically or he/she experiences bleeding issues, your doctor may recommend a specific drug or platelet transfusion. Vitamin and mineral-rich foods, such as vitamin K, iron, folate, and vitamin C, can aid in platelet synthesis and healing and should be provided. Foods like papaya, pomegranate, and citrus fruits can help raise low platelet levels. Because platelet reduction happens as a result of dengue, address symptoms such as fever, pain, and discomfort as soon as possible to minimize distress and encourage a faster overall recovery.
Ankura Hospital recommends that it is critical to visit a healthcare professional, particularly in paediatric situations, for individualized guidance and treatment depending on the patient’s exact condition and severity of dengue. “People should not panic under any given circumstances, they should rather consult a doctor at a hospital who is better equipped to handle Dengue and its complications,” concludes Dr. Durga Prasad.
Inputs from
Dr. K.K. Durga Prasad MBBS, DNB (Paediatrics), Sr. Consultant Paediatrician, Ankura Hospital for Women and Childcare