Early Detection And Prevention Of Prostatitis

Spokesperson:  Dr. Dilip Dhanpal, Urologist at

Apollo Spectra Hospital, Bangalore

Prostate health is an important part of men’s health but due to the social stigma associated with prostate check ups, there is a significant lack of awareness surrounding it. One in every nine men suffers from prostate infection hence it is imperative to maintain good prostate health as an early diagnosis will lead to an effective treatment plan. M

The prostate is a tiny gland that is located under the bladder, it is majorly responsible for producing a fluid that makes up to 75 percent of semen. Prostatitis is a condition that causes inflammation of the prostate gland and this inflammation further spreads to the area around the prostate gland. Prostatitis should not be confused with prostate cancer or an enlarged prostate as all of these medical conditions are different from one another and requires different treatment

Causes of Prostatitis:

Prostatitis can be caused by various types of bacteria and these bacteria can also cause a bladder infection. For men over the age of 35, one of the most common causes of bacterial prostatitis is sexually transmitted infections (STIs), including gonorrhea and chlamydia. If the prostate gland is injured, it can cause prostatitis and some of the other causes might include a weak nervous system and immune system. In most cases, the exact cause for chronic prostatitis is unknown.

Symptoms of Prostatitis:

The symptoms of prostatitis usually vary depending on the advancement of the condition but some of the noticeable symptoms of bacterial prostatitis include:

  • Sharp pain in the lower back, lower abdomen, and rectum
  • Difficulty and pain while passing urine
  • Foul-smelling urine
  • Fever and chills
  • Painful testicles and ejaculation

The symptoms of chronic prostatitis and chronic bacterial prostatitis might appear to be similar and less severe. However, prostatitis is asymptomatic in some cases which makes it crucial to do regular prostate exams, especially in cases of family history with prostate cancer and prostatitis.

Risk Factors of Prostatitis:

Age is one of the key risk factors for this condition as men over 60 years of age are more likely to develop prostate related diseases. A few other risk factors include:

  • Insertion of a urinary catheter
  • Bladder infection
  • Unprotected intercourse and being HIV-positive increases the risk of prostatitis
  • A pelvic injury

Early Detection of Prostatitis:

An immediate doctor appointment after the noticeable symptoms of prostatitis will reduce the risk. The doctor will rule out the possible causes of symptoms as these particular symptoms are also a sign of enlarged prostate, cystitis, and some other conditions that can cause similar symptoms. The doctor will perform a physical exam which also includes a prostate exam. t After performing a digital rectal exam, the doctor will examine the prostate and check for enlargement.

In some cases,  a cystoscopy might be needed where the doctor inserts a small scope into a urethra to examine the bladder and the prostate gland. This helps to determine the type of prostatitis. The doctor may also recommend blood tests and urine analysis.

Treatment for Prostatitis:

If the person is diagnosed with bacterial prostatitis, the doctor will prescribe antibiotics, and the treatment of the antibiotic will depend upon the type of bacteria that is causing the symptoms. In extreme cases, doctors will perform surgery to treat prostatitis. The surgery includes an instrument known as a resectoscope which is inserted through the urethra. The resectoscope helps in trimming away excess prostate tissue that has caused blockage to the urine flow.

Prevention of Prostatitis

Regular prostate check ups and awareness about early symptoms play a crucial role in preventing prostatitis. Practicing safe sex is also very important to prevent prostatitis as any kind of sexually trasnmitted diseaes can lead to inflammation of prostate gland. An early diagnosis will help in an effective and easy treatment plan.


A prostate infection can be easily treated if diagnosed early and leading to a shorter recovery period. Prostate Health is a key part of men’s health and it can be easily managed by including a few lifestyle changes in the daily routine. Keeping hydrated helps in flushing the bacteria from the body , preventing Urinary Tract infections  as sometimes the bacteria in the urinary tract can also move to the prostate gland.. Besides this, maintaining a healthy weight and practicing safe sex are the main steps in keeping a good prostate health.

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