by Kishore Indukuri – CEO & Founder, Sid’s Farm
One of the most famous drink or a component that is added to mostly all beverages in India is “milk”. Since, the childhood it has been a common practice where the parents insisted the kids to have a glass of milk everyday even if the kids continuously denied it. “Milk is one of the most common drinks in India” which brings us to the question of obsession over milk weather in the form of a shake, a normal beverage like tea or any other form.” Is milk really beneficial and healthy? We will cover all these important points in the given article.
The Medical Association of India while discussing the health benefits of milk has given emphasis on the fact that a 100g serving of cow’s milk contains potassium which is roughly 162 mg more than that of soy milk. A glass of milk is like a medicine to everyone as it contains various nutrients like Vitamin B, Vitamin D, Calcium, Phosphorous and Potassium. When we see major issues of rough skin and brittle nails ,one of the major issues those are found out is the issue od hydration. Even problems like these can be healed easily if with other necessary medications you drink one glass of milk every day. Coming to one of the most discussed topics of today which is “Cancer”. As we know “Cancer” is a subject to research in many countries. There is no absolute cure discovered of this condition but it was said that calcium which is sourced form milk can help to reduce the risk of cancer in colon and rectum areas.
“Milk” apart from strengthening bones has also helped in growth. Thus it is generally advised to children to have milk once in a day at their growing age. People who are involved in sports and other health and weight trainings do consume 2l – 3l milk daily or more as it is said that it helps in the growth of muscle formation and maintenance of it. The health benefits of Milk are many. Not only in its beverage form but some other forms are also consumed widely in India as those are considered to be nutritious and good for health. Milk solids are churned and fresh cream is obtained from it which is served in cakes sweeteners etc. This direct fresh cream which is obtained is said to be very fresh and can be preserved if it is just kept in refrigerator and can be consumed for one week or so. Another major component that is very healthy and is widely used in India is ghee. Ghee is obtained by storing the milk solids and preserving it for days. After that it is heated and stirred for hours to obtain pure golden ghee. This ghee is said to be very nutritious and contains good amount of healthy fats, which is a necessary for glowing healthy skin. Milk taken with a pinch, of haldi or turmeric is said to have 70% more healing properties than any other natural ingredients and has been used as an age old treatment since many years. Researches say that sleeping pattern is very necessary for the physical and mental well being of people. Milk is one of the best components which can aid in sleep. Researchers have found out that milk contains a component which is known as “Choline” which can aid in sleep. One glass of milk specially if its lukewarm can aid sleep. The process of healing mouth ulcers and other small infections are also said to become speedy with the consumption of milk as it is considered to be an anti inflammatory ingredient.
Thus as we have discussed in this article the health benefits of milk are many if taken in proper quantity. The consumption of milk is said to cure many problems promoting healthy skin to eliminating brittle nails to other hydration problems. However there is a certain section of people who are said to be lactose intolerant and cant consume digest milk, so if someone is having some side effects or allergies after having milk must visit a doctor otherwise milk is one of the secrets that can help you in having a healthy life .
Pure and Unadulterated Milk:
Throughout the years the demand of milk has kept on increasing due to its nutritional values. So to cope up with the demands many brands have started producing and selling adulterated milk. In this adulterated versions of milk there are generally artificial sweeteners and preservatives added to increase the shelf life and also to modify the taste so that people like to consume it. But these versions of adulterated milk generally contains preservatives which reduces the nutritional value of the milk thus taking away the good effects that people could have by consuming pure milk. Whereas in pure and unadulterated versions though the taste would not be that great but all the components, micronutrients and other nutritional values would be same which would make it worth consuming.
Thus as we have discussed in this article the health benefits of milk are many if taken in proper quantity. The consumption of milk is said to cure many problems promoting healthy skin to eliminating brittle nails to other hydration problems. However there is a certain section of people who are said to be lactose intolerant and can’t consume digest milk, so if someone is having some side effects or allergies after having milk must visit a doctor otherwise milk is one of the secrets that can help you in having a healthy life.