Airports Authority of India (AAI), Regional Headquarters, Western Region invites applications from the eligible and willing ITI, Diploma and Degree holders for engagement of ITI Trade Apprentices and Graduate / Diploma Apprentices under Apprentices Act, 1961. The last date for receipt of applications is 31st December 2020.
✅ Age Limit:
✔️ 18 to 26 years as on 30th November 2020.
✔️ Age Relaxation: 5 years for SC/ST & PWD candidates and 3 years for OBC candidates. However in case of non-availability of candidates in reserved categories, the same will be filled from other reserved categories/ General categories.
✅ Stipend:
✔️ ITI Trade Apprentice: ₹ 9000/- per month
✔️ Graduate Apprentice: ₹ 15000/- per month
✔️ Diploma Apprentice: ₹ 12000/- per month
✅ Educational Qualifications:
✔️ ITI Trade candidates should possess ITI/ NCVT certificate of the above mentioned trades from Institutions recognized by AICTE, GOI.
✔️ A candidates should possess full time regular 04 years Degree in Engineering or 03 years Diploma of the above mentioned streams from Institutions recognized by AICTE, GOI.
✅ Eligibility: Eligible Indian Nationals belonging to the states of Maharashtra, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh and Goa from Western Region (WR) are eligible.
✅ Selection Process:
✔️ Selection for engagement of Apprentices would be based on percentage (%) of marks in the qualifying examination.
✔️ The candidature of the applicant would be provisional. The Selection will be based on Interview/verification of certificates/testimonials and submission of CERTIFICATE OF MEDICAL FITNESS (to be obtained only from a Gazetted Government Medical Officer/Medical Officer of a Government Undertaking) at the time of joining.
✔️ Police verification certificate to be obtained from local area of residence.
✔️ The shortlisted candidates will be called for interview/Document verification through their registered E-mail Id only.
✅ Application Fee: No Application Fees.
✅ How to Apply: Candidates should register themselves in the concerned web portal (NATS) (For Graduate / Diploma Apprentice) / NSDC portal (for ITI). The last date for registration of online applications is 31/12/2020 (Thursday).