The Centre has sanctioned 15 thousand crore rupees for India COVID-19 Emergency Response and Health System Preparedness Package. Out of it, seven thousand 774 crore rupees will be utilized for immediate COVID-19 Emergency Response and rest for medium-term support of one to four years to be provided under mission mode approach.

Our correspondent reports, the key objectives of the package include mounting emergency response to slow and limit COVID-19 in the country through the development of diagnostics and COVID-19 dedicated treatment facilities, centralized procurement of essential medical equipment and drugs required for treatment of infected patients. Besides, the aim of the package is also to strengthen and build resilient National and State health systems to support prevention and preparedness for future disease outbreak. It also include setting up of laboratories and bolster surveillance activities, bio-security preparedness, pandemic research and proactively engage communities and conduct risk communication activities. These interventions and initiatives would be implemented under the overall umbrella of the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare.
Earlier, Prime Minister Narendra Modi in his address to the Nation on 24th of last month highlighted that the Central Government has provisioned 15 thousand crore rupees for treating Coronavirus patients and strengthening the medical infrastructure of the country. Health Ministry has been playing a lead role in executing the health sector response with containment and control as key response strategies. So far, a total of 223 labs comprising a network of 157 government and 66 private laboratories are conducting rigorous screening process. The Ministry has already disbursed 4113 crore rupees to all the States and Union Territories for dealing with the emergency COVID response.